Terms Of Service

Ace of Mops offers exceptional residential & commercial cleaning services. Our professional cleaning teams will keep your home or office looking beautifully clean.

Ace of Mops Cleaning Services Terms & Conditions

By using this website to book service, you agree to comply to be bound by these terms & conditions if you do not agree to these terms & conditions, do not book service with us.

Booking Confirmation

Booking service online doesn’t guarantee you a spot for that date/time, you will be contacted by email or phone with a confirmation.

In order to reserve your cleaning date and time, a deposit of $70 will be applied.

This fee is NON-REFUNDABLE but deductible from the total cleaning price.

A hold will be placed on your card 24 Hrs prior to your cleaning & charged after the cleaning is complete.

WE REQUIRE AT LEAST 24 HOURS OF NOTICE (this is to secure jobs for our cleaners for the next day and will give us time to find a replacement job in case you cancel or reschedule)

The $70 booking confirmation fee will automatically convert into a cancellation fee in case you fail to notify us 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. The $70 is non-refundable which means you will have to pay another deposit when booking again.

The client can only reschedule their cleaning 24 hours prior to their scheduled appointment with a maximum of 5 counts. More than 5 will forfeit their $70 and will automatically convert it to a cancelation fee.

Cleaning Crew

We always work with teams of two, occasionally more cleaners may be needed due to the complexity of work or busy schedule. We do our best to limit the rotation of cleaners in your home while still providing sufficient cross-training to our cleaning technicians.

Our employees have been rigorously background screened & drug tested prior to working with us, you can rest assured all our staff has integrity and is held accountable.

Right to Refuse Service

We reserve the right to deny &/or terminate service because of safety concerns, inappropriate or uncomfortable situations, weapons on-premises, severe clutter & disconnected utilities.

Our employees have the choice to leave if the home is in an extremely unsanitary condition or if they feel unsafe/threatened. If you book a cleaning that is unreasonable, the cleaners may refuse service on the spot & you will be charged the cancellation fee.

Cleaning Day Preparation

Your price for cleaning is based on the cleaners focusing all of their time on cleaning, we ask that you take a few minutes to tidy up to allow the cleaners easy access to the areas/surfaces to be cleaned: floors, countertops, tabletops, etc. If you’d like our cleaners to do these tasks for you, call the office in advance so your cleaning fee can be adjusted for the additional time.


Please provide parking convenience for Service Providers. If there's no free parking available, we will charge your card the parking fee. If there's no parking available the appointment will be considered “cancelled” and the $70 cancellation fee will be applied if Service Providers have to leave due to parking inconvenience.

Add-On Services (These services are available for an extra charge)

• Using Eco-friendly Products

• Clean Interior Windows

• Detail Blinds

• Detail Baseboards

• Hand Wash 1 Sink Full of Dishes

• Clean Inside Kitchen Cabinets

• Clean Inside Oven

• Clean Inside Fridge

• Pets (hair)

• Remove Mold/Mildew in Shower & Tub

• Clean Mattress

• Sweep Inside Garage

• Patio Furniture Cleaning Dust/Wipe

• Carpet Washing


We will gladly work around pets. We ask that indoor activity be limited for cleaning efficiency & safety reasons, if your pet becomes anxious or presents a safety concern, Ace of Mops Cleaning Services reserves the right to remove its employees from your home.

Our employees are instructed not to enter a house if they believe an animal is a threat, pets may behave differently if a family member is not present. If the removal of our cleaning technician is due to aggressive pets, our cancellation policy will apply.

Service Fees

Please remember we give these instant prices based on years of experience, but we may adjust the price based on the actual condition of the house. To ensure there are no surprises when we arrive & find that the job will require extra time we’ll call you to let you know if we are unable to reach you, the crew will have to leave & you will be charged the cancellation fee.

We reserve the right to reevaluate rates at any time based on the time it takes to perform our service to meet the client’s standards, Ace of Mops Cleaning Services will contact the client to discuss price or service revisions if the cleaning time differs drastically from the original bid.


Payments must be made on the day of cleaning by check, cash, or credit card.

Refund Policy

We do not offer refunds, are sales are final, we have built our business providing our clients with the best possible service available, still, we realize that we are human, and things will from time to time, should this happen email or call us within 24 hours & we will rectify the error at no charge.

Recurring Service Discount

Recurring discounts start AFTER the first cleaning service, if you skip cleanings so that your cleaning’s frequency is lower than what you were set up for, your price will be increased to the pricing level for the lower frequency.

Rate Increases

Client’s cleaning rate adjustments may be made at any time during the year should there be changes to the frequency of the client’s established service schedule or home or living situation: remodel, change of address, number of people living in the home, a significant addition of furniture, etc.

Customer rate shall be increased annually, by an amount not to exceed 8% of the client’s current rate.


The client shall make the service location accessible to Ace of Mops Cleaning Services personnel on the scheduled service day. If the team is locked out of the Client’s home, every effort will be made to establish contact with the Client to arrange for entry into the home, If contact is not made within 20 minutes of the arrival of the cleaning team, the scheduled cleaning will be skipped & you will be charged $70 late cancellation fee, this fee is necessary to compensate the employees for unexpected lost revenue & time travel, to avoid the fee provide us with a key or code to gain entry to your home.

Rescheduling & Cancellations

Service reliability is extremely important because we reserve a time, especially for you. We request that you give us a minimum of 24 Hrs. advance notice if you need to cancel or reschedule for any reason to avoid incurring a $70 cancellation fee.


If your home is equipped with a security system, please ensure that it is in the off position or call our office with the code & proper directions for use. If the code should change please let us know so you do not incur a lockout charge.

Use of Homeowner’s Vacuum

If you request to use your vacuum, we will not assume or accept any liability for damage to the unit. Since we are not responsible for the maintenance of the vacuum, we will not be responsible for any repairs to it. This is important because if the vacuum is not in working order when we arrive to clean your home, we will not be able to perform any vacuuming of carpet & hard floor surfaces.

Cleaning Supplies

We provide the equipment & products needed to thoroughly clean your home, if you require us to use green cleaning products only, please let us know before we start the service.

If you require to use your cleaning supplies, note that we are not responsible for any damage associated with those products. When this request is made we ask that you have the cleaning chemicals & supplies ready so we can perform our cleaning service as efficiently as possible.

Items We Cannot Clean

Mold removal is a specialty, we cannot be liable for any mold-related risks in clients’ homes.

We cannot clean hoarding homes or areas containing any animals & humans' body fluids, blood, feces, vomit, cat litter boxes, bird cages & urine, or excretions.

Unreachable Areas & Heavy items

For safety & liability reasons our employees can’t climb higher than a step stool or work outside of your home. Cleaners can’t move objects more than 35 pounds, if you would like to clean behind heavy objects, please move them prior to cleaning.

Breakage/Damage & Loss Policy

While an occurrence is rare, the possibility of breakage or damage is present while we clean.
Our cleaners exercise reasonable care when cleaning your home, we carry insurance for damage or breakage caused by our cleaners.

We are not liable for damage that is caused by normal wear & tear, improper installation of an item in your home, artwork, collectibles, or family heirlooms not disclosed during the booking process, these items include but are not limited to the following.

• Artwork, Collectibles & Family Heirlooms: These items are expensive & impossible to replace, The client should point out such items to us before starting service, Please advise us how you would like your fragile items handled & their care.

Notification must be made within 24 hours of breakage/loss of any personal items. Identical replacement is always attempted but not guaranteed.

Cleaners Arrival Window

We schedule our cleanings in an order that requires the least amount of drive time in an effort to maintain low prices & avoid trip fees, if you require a specific time we will make every effort to accommodate your request, however, no times are guaranteed.

Due to the unpredictable nature of our business & unforeseen circumstances traffic jams, weather, and mechanical problems, allow us the flexibility of scheduling our cleaning between the windows of 8:00 am to 11:00 am & from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.

If we are running late we will call you and/or text you.


Ace of Mops Cleaning Services does not do holiday visits.

If your scheduled day falls on a holiday, we will contact you to reschedule, the following holidays will be observed:

• Independence Day

• Thanksgiving

• Black Friday

• Christmas Eve

• Christmas Day

• New Year Eve

• New Year

Inclement Weather

We will be closed for business when weather conditions prevent County School Districts from opening.


At Ace of Mops Cleaning Services, we prioritize the security of our clients' homes. Instead of us holding the keys, we kindly request that our customers provide a lockbox where you can store your house key securely inside the lockbox outside your residence.

Once we finish the cleaning service, we will return the key to the lockbox and lock it securely. By following this procedure, we aim to ensure the safety of our client's homes while still providing convenient access for our cleaning team.

In the unfortunate event that a client chooses to leave a door unlocked or place a key in an unsecured location, Ace of Mops Cleaning Services cannot be held liable for any damages or theft that may occur.

Non-Solicitation of Ace of Mops Cleaning Services Employees

As our customer, we ask that you agree not to solicit or hire any of our cleaning employees to work directly for you. Our professional cleaners are background checked, their references verified & have completed comprehensive cleaning training. Significant time, resources & money are invested in each new employee before we allow them to enter our customer’s homes.

Governing Law

Any claim relating to Ace of Mops Cleaning Services website shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

We have made every effort to design our website to be useful, informative, helpful & honest, hopefully, we have accomplished that & would ask that you let us know if you would like to see improvements or changes that would make it even easier for you to find the information you need.

Ace of Mops Cleaning Services reserves the right to change these terms & conditions at any time without prior notice to you

© 2024 Ace of Mops Cleaning Services



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